From August 2020 we will be putting a profile piece on two of our Officials in the Squad News Letter and uploading to this site too. Our thanks to our Offcials who stand (and walk, lots and lots of walking!) pooldeck at the swim meets, not only in Rotorua but around the BOP, National events and for some International events. They can be found standing in the water at National Open Water Championships, or on the feeder boat too!


They give their time with this and many have not got a swimmer still swimming. They help with and examine the technical training. From assisting with timekeeper training for our families at club nights and clinics, through to moving those parents keen, onto the other roles associated with the Official side of things there is always a familiar face from the club to help you, so please help us maintain the club responsibilities.


These roles include IOT (Inspectator of Turns), JOS (Judge of Stroke), Starter and Referee. We are also always keen for parents to come and learn about the AOD and the timing pads equipment too. 

All of these roles are examined at Regional level and if you so desire, move onto National qualification too.



Year on year we have to achive a certain number of timekeepers and IOT's for registration, and to enable some to step back a little from these roles too that have been doing it for sometime. The bonus is if pooldeck at the meet not only do you have a good seat and view, but you get fed too!


To start our Profiles of those you see pooldeck we have Fiona Paignton and Deena Theobald. For September we have Wendy Hill and Monica Quirke.

Please click on the links below and next time you are at a meet, say hello!


Fiona Profile.pdf



Deena Profile.pdf




Wendy Hill Profile.pdf



Monica Quirke Profile.pdf